Young Wealth by The Jason Hartman Foundation

Justin Gilchrist guest appears on the Young Wealth show today. He is an expert in buying online businesses and is also the co-founder of Centurica - a company that helps customers with website assessment and due diligence. He shares some important insider tips to Jason and his listeners about what you need to look for when purchasing an online business for the very first time. 


Key Takeaways:

5:22 – For the most part, Justin wouldn't classify it as a business unless it's at least 1 year old. 

8:00 – Justin looks carefully into how an online business generates traffic and where those searches come from directly. Good traffic should be spread out through organic, paid ads, and social media searches. 

12:44 – Justin suggests different types of website businesses to his clients depending on the person and their technical background. 

16:30 – Businesses sometimes do sketchy things with their revenue reporting and it's Justin's job to make sure you don't fall into a bad business purchase because of it. 

20:00 – What Justin advises is to get all the necessary information together before you speak to his company. Does this website look too good to be true? Is it logical? Is the website consistent? 

23:00 – Justin sometimes has to look for very, very technical problems that his clients might not know about. You have to check everything and to have the experience to know when something doesn't look right. 

24:20 – Use leverage when it comes to buying a website. Most times you can change the terms of a deal to pay for a website slowly and overtime. This will prevent you from going out of pocket right away. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: YW_79_Justin_Gilchrist_Buying_Web_Businesses.mp3
Category:Young Wealth Show -- posted at: 3:19pm EDT

Mark Lack is the founder of The Peak Performance Club, which helps empower and encourage young adults to achieve greatness. He is also the author of the book Shorten The Gap – Shortcuts To Success and Happiness. Mark sits down with Jason today to talk about your mindset and how you can achieve the success you have always wanted by simply changing your outlook on life. 


Key Takeaways:

5:00 – Self-education is incredibly important. Always keep learning. 

7:40 – Start developing yourself in every level of your life. Become the best version of yourself to find your true passion. 

11:50 – Your identity is a big part of how you hold yourself. Create a new identity of the person you want to be and pretend to be this character. Who is the person you want to be? 

16:45 – What are the types of questions you ask yourself when problems arise? When you wake up ask yourself what you're grateful for. 

20:15 – The 'powers that be' won't give you what you want if you don't see what you're grateful for. 

22:00 – We are always selling so always asking the important questions will help grab the attention of your audience. 



Mentioned In This Episode:

Shorten The Gap by Mark Lack

Money Love by Jerry Gillies

Chicken Soup for the Soul Years by Mark Victor Hansen

Direct download: YW_78-Mark_Lack-Personal_Growth_and_Success.mp3
Category:Young Wealth Show -- posted at: 12:38pm EDT

Zac Bissonnette is an author of several different books and is recently coming out with a new one called, “Good Advice From Bad People.” Today he sits down with Jason to give you a little insight about what you can learn from the book as well as talk about some of the problems with expensive colleges. Join Jason today and learn a couple of things about Lance Armstrong, Donald Trump, and more.


Key Takeaways:

3:00 – When we know nothing about a person/celebrity, make them our role model, and when they fall, we look back and wonder why they were considered a hero in the first place.

5:10 – Dick Fuld said, “When you know what you're talking about, others will follow you because they're safe to follow you.” A few years later Fuld lead the largest bankruptcy in US history.

6:12 – There's very little accountability in Wall Street.

6:30 – One of Zac's favorite financial failures is Donald Trump.

9:30 – There's a leaked video from Jim Cramer bragging about how stupid SEC is and pretty much giving a finger to investors.

10:40 – Jim Cramer is on television too often to actually know anything. The research is being done by someone else.

13:45 – OJ Simpson said, “The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that's the day you start to the top.”

Direct download: YW_77_Zac_Bissonette.mp3
Category:Young Wealth Show -- posted at: 12:46pm EDT