Young Wealth by The Jason Hartman Foundation

Jason Hartman plays some of his segment from the latest Cash Flow Wealth Summit where he talks about the 6 ways the US government can solve their $220 trillion obligation and which one we can take the most advantage of as investors.

Key Takeaways:

[2:57] The difference between money and currency

[5:50] The 3 basic economic maladies

[8:01] The entitlement society isn't going to change, so align your interests

[9:45] We must understand the motivations of governments and central banks

[11:43] The 6 ways the government can deal with the looming entitlement bill

[19:23] The most likely solution the government will choose

[23:02] Inflation is the most powerful method of wealth redistribution from lenders to borrowers, old to young


Jason Hartman's Flash Briefing

The PropertyCast

Direct download: YW_119_6_Reasons.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:36pm EDT