Young Wealth by The Jason Hartman Foundation

Jason Hartman talks with Spencer Burleigh, co-founder of Spencer's company will build a unit on your land, list it online, and split the rental profits with you 50/50 as long as you have an area at least 25' by 20' clear and you live in your home most of the year. Listen in as Jason and Spencer discuss the business model and how you can take advantage of it.

Key Takeaways:

[1:37] What problem is Rent the Backyard addressing?

[6:31] Rent the Backyard is able to create a second dwelling on the property without getting the land rezoned

[11:07] The stigma behind manufactured housing needs to go away, but it also needs to get cheaper

[14:39] The income side of Rent the Backyard's business model


Direct download: YW_141_Spencer_Burleigh.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

In today's off-topic 10th episode, Jason Hartman talks with Walter E Williams, Professor of Economics at George Mason University and author of American Contempt for Liberty, about what is going on in our society today. America has become a country of people who hate liberty and want to take from others to give to themselves or others who they deem need it more. There seems to be an unwillingness to accept that people earn more than others and thinking that the government needs to step in and play a role. Walter explains to Jason how we can solve our problems by telling the government to get out of the way more than telling them to help.

Key Takeaways:

[1:28] Do United States citizens really have contempt for liberty?

[7:23] Has the Trump administration turned the tide at all?

[10:45] Is a wealth tax fair?

[15:33] Politicians are doing exactly what we elect them to do

[20:47] The only way we're going to solve our nation's problems


Direct download: YW_140_Walter_Williams.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Jeff Fromm, the Millennial Marketing Guy, about the differences between Gen Y and Gen Z. While the two generations are close in age, they are incredibly different when it comes to advertising, so it's crucial that you know the difference in the two. Jeff explains how those differences will impact society at large and certain industries specifically.

Key Takeaways:

[3:16] Gen Z are NOT Millennials to the 2nd degree. They're more like Gen X

[6:48] Some of the big differences between Gen Y and Gen Z

[15:22] Gen Z and Y both like to be involved with companies that support their causes, but there are some differences

[19:30] Will the Millennials and Gen Zers have interest in the McMansions that were built?


Direct download: YW_139_Jeff_Fromm.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT